Monday, August 27, 2007

job openings

oh my, what a wonderful page to "open" up the fresno bee online to. alberto, who has been doing a "good job," and, "working hard," has resigned.

thank you very much mr. gonzalez. i say again, thank you. of course, if you're stepping down, i imagine it's to c.y.a., rather than whatever bogus reasons you're giving.

i guess this will stop those calls for your impeachment.

and you're boss' take on it all,
"After months of unfair treatment that has created a harmful distraction at the Justice Department, Judge Gonzales decided to resign his position and I accept his decision," Bush said from Texas, where he is vacationing."

of course he's on vacation. why would he ever be actually on the job?

and michael vick plead guilty? what a day for good news.

i wonder what this does for the national unemployment figures?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I think it was Bill Maher who said the president could do a lot more for the country if he just stayed on vacation. least he didn't say this to him.