Thursday, September 27, 2007

recycling culture

i don't feel bad that a fair amount of what i post here is being posted somewhere else. or, it being at least talked about elsewhere. but when you start to think about it all, it's weird how much blogs have contributed to the openness of culture, and the rapid spread of music, art and ideas.

some people think that this is a bad thing. bloggers and the internet kind are called amateurs and accused of killing culture. i don't see it that way. there is a lot of crap out there, yes. but, we've all been given a voice. and, it's not just average joe's like me putting up links/vids/etc from other places. you can see the same thing at stereogum that you saw at fader that you saw at coolhunting that you saw at boing boing.

think of the renaissance. if you were an artist, you had to have a sponsor, a patron. without this, forget getting your work out there. now, i will say that this did help to produce some of the best art, writing and culture of the time. but, more could have been done if more people had the access to showcase their ability?

yeah, i'm rambling, so what? jealous? anyway, i think it's great that we have opportunity to contribute to culture. and to ridicule other stuff out there.


Unknown said...

contribute to culture?

To borrow a line from Benny and Joon, "some cultures are defined by their relationship to cheese."

wv: giojlum. what's taters, precious?

Adam said...

One could also argue that the internet has allowed a flood of amateurs and posers into the market, making it harder for the truly good artists.

edluv said...

definitely, you've got a lot more crap to wade through, but it also allows for people to come out of nowhere.