Sunday, March 08, 2009

fresno warehouse party busted up

kudos to channel 30 for doing a story on a warehouse party that was busted up by the cops. it's a pretty crazy story that involves around 2000 kids, shots fired, a warehouse that's probably one step away from being a death trap, and an $8 cover. click over and watch their video (hey channel 30, move into this century and let people embed your videos) and come back here and share your thoughts.

in college i went to a few warehouse parties and even helped to promote them a bit. they can be pretty fun ways to get people out on the dance floor and have a good time. we never did anything this big, but i'm sure we weren't too far away from being in a precarious situation with too many people in an inadequate facility for what we were doing. then again, night clubs routinely have bands play in packed facilities. sure, they may have hired security and are licensed, but ill ish can happen anywhere, and accidents happen.

1 comment:

Lulu said...

Lord that would give me a panic attack. Too many people, small space, not a fire extinguisher or sprinkler in site AND gun shots? Through in some pyrotechnics and it is my worst nightmere come true.