Monday, March 02, 2009

monday haiku

rain is here today
rogue festival is on break
time to get some sleep

baby book worth seeing
paulson just as amazing
wallet empty now

you wasted life why
wouldn't you waste death you miss
ocean breathes salty


Anonymous said...

Man, I can relate to haiku #1!
I'm glad you're continuing the monday haiku series.

edluv said...

thanks blake.
i've been trying to pace myself on the rogue and was successful about not o.d.'ing on it the first week. especially because the shows i saw were 7 or 10. $10!

and i've been trying to keep up w/these haikus but forgot last week.

Adam said...

I feel some strains of Modest Mouse in Haiku #3.

edluv said...

ah, that's good, as the first two lines are a part of the chorus, and the last is the title, as well as being part of the song.