the first pair is a pair of indoor soccer shoes. i love the indoor shoe, light, good support, comfy. this pair is a special edition devoted to the orlando pirates. don't know who they are? well, they're a south african team that i've been familiar with since my bro & sis moved their. i won't really say i'm a true fan of theirs, but i will say that if i did follow a side there, it would be them.
detail of small side graphic
the second pair is a canvas one. these are based on some indoor table tennis shoes. that's right, ping pong shoes. i dug the stitched on stripes. i'm curious to see how well the canvas holds up with the motorcycle. fortunately, they were on clearance so even if they shred, i'll feel alright about the purchase. the bottom is a little lacking in traction, sort of like some shot put shoes. i think they'll probably be like gazelles, where the tread wears off and you've got some slick bottom shoes, especially when it's wet.
i LOVELOVELOVE the orlando pirates (logo), and THOSE, my dear edward, are sweet shoes.
News flash: Ed buys black shoes!
Kidding.. I like the pirate ones too.
In the same vein, Breaking News: This just in Ed likes pirates, monkeys and black. More to come at 6:00
well, i do like black. and pirates. and monkeys. and on facebook, i'm a pirate trying to help defeat those filthy ninjas.
but, i do look for all black adidas because i can get away with wearing them to work. the pirate ones, well, not so much. although i occassionally do wear my sambas.
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