Wednesday, July 02, 2008

eames stamps

so, i needed some stamps today, you know, gots to send out the bills. so, i went early to avoid the lunch rush. i quickly made my way to the front of the line, and asked for a book of stamps. often, the worker just gives you whatever they feel that day, but today the guy asked which ones i wanted. hmmm, hadn't thought about that. then i saw these and knew what i wanted.

here are some of my eames stamps in action:

pretty cool that the post office has stamps dedicated to the work of charles eames. the only drawback is that you only got 16 instead of the normal book of 20. oh well.

something else about the post office, i like it. i think it's hecka cool that you can send something across country in like two days for under a half dollar.


Aurora said...

I love these stamps too! First set in awhile that I've been excited about.

flowgun said...

I like this post! I'm not a really big philosophy type person, but we seem to be surrounded by a lot of negative thinking these days. We're all so eager to fuss about what we don't have or what we should have or what we do have but don't want.

It's nice to stop and think about the seemingly insignificant, kick ass things around us. I imagine the postal workers who sort mail will appreicate your attention to detail.

Adam said...

Charles and Ray were the shit!

And I know exactly what you were thinking when you saw those stamps and planned to blog about it: "Maybe I can get Justin to post a comment."

timidvenus said...

ed, i too LOVE the post office. you know what i really like? waiting in line. i think that waiting in line is the best, and at the post office its always nice inside, and the other people in line tend to be nice folks. anyway, i was just there yesterday and there was no line and i was a little bummed. didnt look at the stamps though.