we went and saw the dark night on sunday evening. i didn't want to talk about it too much after the movie, mainly because i enjoyed it, but just wanted to process it. there was just so much there. it was visually beautiful. it was massive. characters seemed to come in and out of the story seamlessly, working towards their purpose. so many little twists and turns. honestly, it seemed like watching a season of a show, not a movie. i guess that makes it an epic. i don't think it was flawless, but still great.
as i write this, i'm watching an interesting program called batman unmasked: psychology. it's trying to look @ the character and explain the man behind it all based on the history of the comics. pretty well done, although it focuses largely on the batman created/pictured in the last 2 movies + the comics (to an extent). anyway, right now they're talking about the villains of the batman tales. essentially, they're all facets of batman's psyche. they are the counters to who he is.
as you all know, the latest movie features the joker, played by heath ledger. the more i reflect on the beauty of the film i keep coming back to this figure. ledger was amazing. seriously, at this point in the year there isn't anyone that should win best supporting actor (i'll leave it open as the year isn't over). the mannerisms, the voice, everything were perfect. there's a clip in the commercial (if you haven't seen the film) where he's driving along and has his head outside of the cop car window. wind in the hair, he's totally free...and out there. it's moving stuff. i think nicholson played his version well enough and it fit for the film he was in, but it really doesn't compare at all to the masterpiece that ledger has delivered.
i want to see the film again to try and see new aspects, to take in the grandeur of it all, and yes, to marvel at ledger's performance.
I agree, fantastic film and it gets better the more I think about it.
Me too I really want to see it again. I completely agree about Ledger it's not all hype he was truely fantastic. Strange because I always liked him but I remember Ed making serious fun of him during Broke Back because we couldn't understand what the F he was saying. I also want to give big ups to Gary Oldman for being such a great part of the movie. He was so subtle but really wonderful. Really all in all everyone was great Aaron Ekhart, Maggie etc.
My only crittiscim would be that I would have enjoyed the last half hour more if it were a full length film (I just thought there was some much there to work with)
i agree that they could have expanded the final part of the movie into it's own film, leave it hanging in this one. but, i also see why they wrapped it up, but don't want to say too much here as some people might feel i'm spoiling it.
Try it on IMAX!
It was unbelievable!
And it made Ledger all the bigger.
I just went and saw this last night.
I was literally astounded. I just sat there after it was over, stunned at how freaking much I loved it.
There's so much to it. Especially that last sequence...
Anyway. I loved the whole thing and Heath Ledger was beyond words. It made me sad all over again that he's gone.
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