Monday, October 01, 2007

federline is more fit

yep, kevin federline has been deemed more fit than another adult to do something. that something is being considered responsible for another person. amazing. a back up dancer that seems to impregnate women left and right, who's only discernible talents are gyrating and impregnating, is more qualified to raise children than you. sucks to be britney spears.


Unknown said...


Can society say "keep the ones you have, but no more!" and neuter this idjit?

Adam said...

Aaaaw, takin' Monti's blog topics huh? Now we gotta wait another week for her to find something.

Anyway, he's fighting to do this because of the money. Mmmm...child support payments. Do we see him trying to get custody of his first two kids with that other lady?

edluv said...

definitely not the usual route to take when having kids with a celeb. that federline, he's an innovator.