Saturday, September 30, 2006

wink wink, nudge nudge

i've updated my amazon wish list, in case anyone wanted to send me a birthday gift. the old b-day is a little over a month away. not that i really think any of my 30 or so visitors a day would actually send me a birthday gift.

(so, typing b-day made me think of bidet, and chuckle. then i had to spend a few minutes typing different spellings in google to figure out how to spell it.)


Anonymous said...

For your birthday I'm going to give you the html code to keep your links from flashing on the screen and then evacuating to the bottom of the page.

Oh, and lots of the hits on your page are me. When I'm at my desk, I probably hit everyone's blogs a few times a day. So it's probably more like 22 visitors a day or so.

Go, go, Scorpio!

edluv said...

what browser are you using? my links are all in the appropriate sidebar on the computers i use.

Anonymous said...

I'm using IE, of course. It comes with the windows package. Are you using Safari, or Firefox? I don't know anything about those. Does JD? Does he have a blog or something, because I'd like to hear what he uses-- he's a nerd that way. (Remember the GUI Interface joke?-- ha ha ha)