Wednesday, September 06, 2006


since i was home today at this time, i thought, i'll check out a show i dislike because it's been switched up a bit. that's right, i tuned in to the view. it took me approxiamately one minute before i was fed up with rosie o'donnel. yesterday was her first show, and i guess she told stories about her family. so today started with stories about her kids.

then, abc news broke in to tell us that the president will make a speech later about high ranking al queda detainees being held secretly somewhere. no one knows where. but they're being sent to gitmo, where they can be tried in military court.

thank you abc for that break in. i probably would have gutted out a significant part of the view just to blog about it. now, i'll change the channel.


Adam said...

Is she the new main host?

edluv said...

she took over meredith vierra's spot. so i guess she is the main. with barbara, joy and "settle down" elisabeth hasselback.

Adam said...

That's unfortunate. I always liked the Meridith, Barbara, Joy combo. I just wish they didn't have to have the fourth crazy member.

edluv said...

well really it was fourth and fifth. early on, the fifth (whatever young girl) was often interchanged with barbara walters. in these last few seasons, that hasn't been the case so much. it's sort of like they replaced star jones with rosie and meredith with no one.

Monticore said...

However Elizabeth is left behind as the lone conservative without her precious Star Jones. If I was Elizabeth I wouldn't get in too many arguements with Rosie because she might eat me or sit on me

Unknown said...

Harpies. I hate them all.