Tuesday, January 15, 2008

death to anders & rademacher @ tokyo garden

you have two days to prepare yourself for thursday night's show.

death to anders


be there.

and here's to hoping that rademacher will break out the song arguments.


Anonymous said...

Yes, Arguments, please. Pretty please.

Lulu said...

I think Tokyo is a crappy venue, part of the reason I never go to see Rademacher. I am never comfortable, if we are sitting down in a booth then half of us cant see the stage and stare blankly ahead watching the other half watch or you are standing up for 2 hours (in heels if you are me and I realize I dont have to wear heels but I like to so there)and the stage is so close and the place is so small that the sound isnt that great. I really start feeling clausterphobic when I am in there with a lot of people. Some of that isnt specific to just Toykyo, but it just isnt an atmosphere I am that into.

And the womens bathroom has no lock so someone always walks in on you, always when you are in the most compromising of positions too.

So thats how I feel, yup yup.

edluv said...

last time we sat at a table. i enjoyed that.

Monticore said...

I don't ever want to hear another bad word about my beloved Tokyo from you Lulu =).

Really all I can say is it is all those things that you mentioned about Tokyo that makes me love it. I can't explain why. Maybe it just makes me feel less boujie. =)