maybe it was the bad economy. maybe it was a style of food that people aren't super sure about. maybe it was the cost of overhauling an existing space and trying to create something new there. however, i think this next sign may be quite telling as to why samba tower closed:
hmm, violation of the alcoholic beverage control act, that doesn't sound good. it seems that the ownership group that tried "m", club m, samba tower just had too many strikes against them at this location. i know they were open for taste and toast of the tower, i wonder if that was the final blow against them?
and don't think i'm trying to talk crap on samba tower. i liked the place. i like brazilian bbq, and will go to the north fresno location again. it just seems like they could never drum up enough business in the tower.
This is one of those that felt like it was "only a matter of time" things. Never saw it very busy (except for the occasional club night or whatever) or ever really heard people talk about it.
That spot may be cursed now. Or, I think the rent there may be super high, real big overhead in that spot.
i remember seeing the business for sale online before they turned it into samba. it was listed as 'm' at around 150k. but, that was just to buy out their lease, to buy all the stuff inside the building. you still would have had to pay the monthly to the property owner.
I agree with the Fresnan, it was only a matter of time :/ A curse?? Eh... bad management and loose liquor practices I think... hopefully something works in that space... although i am super stoked about the Tower Hot Dog shop going in on the other side of the theater :)
A Hot Dog Shop! How Awesome but something tells me Ed will be supper jealous!
i will be super jealous. it's long been a dream of mine to have a hot dog shop. i hope they do quality biz and have great dogs.
and are open after 2a.m.
I can't effin' wait for that hot dog place to open. Since Casper's closed in Clovis, I've been craving a good hot dog place.
Keep an eye on it, ed. I wanna know when exactly that shit opens.
Hot dog spot? I'm there. SO totally there. The dogs across the street are so frighteningly gross - this is close enough to DT that I'll risk blowing paychecks.
I recall a few moths back that there was some grumbling on FF that the manangement of Club M was a bit homophobic.
There were plenty of comments after the initial post agreeing that they too had suffered some sort of bigotry from Club M.
If that ended up being true, they most definately had to have lost a ton of business because on an average night, house music is what was played.
Its no secret , the gays love their house music.
I wouldnt say it is a curse but the right person with the right business sense needs to step in and turn this place around.
I think a restaurant to rival Irenes would do great.
Drive down 180 to Clovis Avenue and go to Rio Grill Brazilian Steakhouse.
ABC License Number: 437778 for 1211-15 N WISHON AVE Fresno, CA.
Current Disciplinary Action
Reg. Number: 08068949
Disciplinary History
Reg. Number: 08069480
1) Section Violated: 24200(a&b)
2) Section Violated: 23038 & 23396
3) Section Violated: 25616
4) Section Violated: 24042
Suspension Days: 15 Stayed Days 1095 POIC/Fine:
Suspension Start Date: 18-MAY-2009 Suspension End Date: 02-JUN-2009
since the suspension has ended, do you think they're opening the place back up?
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