Friday, May 08, 2009

awkward family photos

i grew up without a family.

ok, that's not true at all. but, we didn't take a ton of family pictures growing up. and i'm thankful, because family photos are frequently scary. check this example:

there's a new site out there called awkward family photos. they run photos along with snarky quips. that photo came with this caption, "Even the tree felt this one was awkward."

have another

but let me share some truth with you: i do have a family photo that could go on this site. i think i'm probably 5 or so in the photo, it's got me and my bro and my mom...who's got the awesomest red afro. i won't be sending that photo in.

seen on laughing squid.


Arthur said...

I knew you were referring to the red afro pic. You should post it.

Unknown said...

awesome. Here's my favorite.

m.wise said...

if you post it, ed, i have one i'll post. unfortunately, i am much older than 5 in it so i am much more embarrased about it. let me know. i won't back out.

MsJoey said...

I am with m. wise. I think you should post yours and have everyone join the fun.
I have a horrible one from when I was 8.
It depicts me with my very first perm.....from Montgomery Wards.