Friday, December 21, 2007

$100 wager

last night, i made a bet about hillary clinton vs john mc cain.

if these are the candidates, which they won't be, i have her beating him. i've got a c note on it.

here's to hoping that neither are the candidate.


Adam said...

If one of them doesn't get the nomination, then the bet is null, right?

edluv said...

that would be my understanding. it's just them head to head that matters.

Anonymous said...

with whom did you make this bet? Why those two? How did this come up> I'm trying to imagine the conversation that led to "oh yeah? care to make it interesting? put your money where your mouth is!"

edluv said...

brian. we were talking about the candidates and he said he thought hillary would lose to mc cain. something he had working in his brain.