Sunday, March 22, 2009

twitter sucks

that's right, i said it. i don't care about twitter. i don't care if you tweet. get over it. let me help, here's a video from our pals @ current tv.

this is how our generation communicates now, with detached, byte sized yippity yap.


Mike Seay said...

I think I'll go Tweet this blog post.

(btw, Current and Supernews is awesome)

Lulu said...

Agreed Ed, dedatched communication that reaks of self importance.

Adam said...

Why tweet when you can just update your Facebook status?

Lulu said...

Why do either, I don't care where you are at all times! Not you personally Adam, but you know what I mean.

edluv said...

come on, we all want updates like, "watching rock of love bus. tres drole."