(btw, you may have already seen this picture on thefresnan.com i sent it to him first so he could have the dope breaking news.)
here's the story. i'm cruising on my vegas on the way to work. i pull up to the light @ van ness & mckinley and see a mercedes in the lane next to me, one car up. nice looking convertible sl 500. black, top down. wait, what's that i see on the other side of the car...timmy t! dude's got his name on the back of the car. i think,
"can it really be him? do i actually know what he looks like? yes, i watched the video this week."
as traffic begins to move, i see his face, i can totally confirm it's him. don't know who the lady in the car was, but it was timmy t driving. anyhow, we drive up van ness, past clinton, and between clinton and shields it seems the driver that's next to him has also realized it's him. they're sort of chatting but i can't hear what, but timmy waves and it seems friendly. the t is turning right on shields, but i'm going to go straight.
no i'm not. i think,
"crap, my camera phone is in my backpack. can i reach it? i'll give it a go if we stop @ shields and blackstone."
fortunately, it's a red light and i can reach the iphone/batphone. here's the pic i snapped:
so, i'm not sure if it's a good pic, but the light's going to turn and so i jam my phone in my pocket and think maybe i'll try again if we stop before fresno street, where i'm now planning to turn and head for work. unfortunately, no red @ fresno. why not, i'll head up to first in hopes that i'll get one more try (you see what i did there?) no matter what, i'm turning left on first street to head north. omg, timmy t just pulled into the turn lane in front of me. we've got a red!
so, i snap one, but realize my headlight is totally jacking up the shot of his name. i back up a little and turn the wheel, and snap a decent shot, although a little crooked.
from there, we parted ways. timmy t flipped a u-turn and pulled into the taco bell on the corner. not sure if he wanted lunch, or if he was freaked out by the weirdo on a motorcycle taking pictures of him. it was about 11:30, so either could have worked. i just made a simple left and headed off to work.
does this make me paparazzi?
yeah, but a pretty poor one. you needed to get a shot of the girl he was with to have any hope at making money. and since no one but you seems to care about timmy t, she would have had to be an underaged hooker or something.
but that was some good blogging.
That was a fantastic story...FANTASTIC! You rule.
And, mell0w-I take issue with the statement that no one cares about Timmy T but Ed...you obviously missed my awesome post about the Panty Dropper Mix CD. :P
I think it makes you more of a stalker than a papparazzi. You aren't going to be able to sell that to TMZ because aside from Ed and Carly, no one cares or even knows who Timmy T is. I mean the guy has his name on his car, thats just sad.
I commend your eagle eye in spotting him though. This is good practice for getting a pic of Cher when she comes to town.
Wrong again Lulu, he's got fans over at The Fresnan too. Ha HA.
Haters. All y'all.
This post on the Fresnan has 4 comments. The first is a fan. The second says "Who the f%&$ is Timmny T" the third says "Whoever he is, he's apparently cool enough to ride with the top down in a black car on a 110 day. Or his A/C is broken and then he isn't that cool." and the Fourth is Ed.
Gee, I have never been so wrong in my life. I had no idea that soooo many people were fans of his. Boy is my face red.
Actually, I was referring to Mike and the first commenter. Two, thus plural. And really, it only has to be one because you said, "aside from Ed and Carly, no one cares or even knows who Timmy T is."
Careful where you swing that hyperbole. Good to have you back though. =)
Adam only you would take that comment so literally;)
Meh, you've been gone for a while, I'm hot and irritable, I figured Ed would enjoy the extra sitemeter activity, and if nothing else, Mellow is just all kinds of anxious after reading this comment thread.
C'mon guys, can't we all just get along?
I'm still with Lulu on this, but now I'm way more interested in Carly's panty dropper mix. Does it have any Jeff Buckley? Or would that be too obvious?
well, meellllow, why don't you click over and read her post on it.
and just because buckley is a sure fire thing for you doesn't mean it works for everyone.
The Panty Dropper.
(Which, incidentally, was Adam's nickname in high school.)
I didn't know Jeff Buckley equaled panty dropping. Let me think about that one.
I never said that Carly!
Well. You may not have, but word gets around.
okay, EVERYONE is overlooking the cutest thing EVER: how excited is ed in this post??? SOOOOOO ADORABLE!!!!!
All these comments come from hatas cuz Timmy T made something of himself and can afford a car like that.And Timmy T has seen this blog and said it was sweet and is appauld by all the negative commentstoward him but more appauld for the blog author.And the people who know and love Timmy T know that that is Timmy's girlfriend in the car wih him.
To the author,this blog was great.I met him in New Orleans,La when I was 17 when "One more try" CD just came out and went clubbing with him that night.So I know the excitement you feel.Dont worry bout the negative,they're always a hata around .Timmy and I thought it was sweet as well.Great Photos!
Timmy T will always hold a piece of my heart! His music reached me on nights I felt very alone! I love Timmy T and everyone else talking shit, what music have you blessed this world with? Stop hating! xoxoxox
Timmy T posted a bulletin with a link to this blog on Myspace. He said it was good and wanted us to read it. He mentioned that he had no idea that anyone had taken his picture. I love Timmy enough that added him on Myspace, you all should, too, if you really love him. He posts bulletins and everything. He's doing a free concert in the park sometime in August. Should check him out, he's awesome.
Yep, this is what the bulletin says...
"Some guy had a TIMMY T sighting and people made fun of him!"
Body: "OK every now and again I search the web out of sheer boredom and find things associated with me...I just googled my name tonight and stumbled across someone who happen to write a blog about seeing me drive down the street one day in my hometown of Fresno...Apparently this guy was so excited about it he took pics of me in my car without my knowledge...LOL...Anyhow he wrote the blog on his encounter with great enthusiasm, I thought it was kinda sweet of him and all but then I read posts from people saying mean stuff to him and some mean stuff about me...Ha ha...Like I really give a SH*T..LOL...I just feel bad for him...Im gonna post the link to his story so you can view his Blog.The guy who wrote this Blog has no Idea I even read it :)....Love Timmy T"
that was an awesome blog. I would have loved to be in your shoes. Timmy T. is the real deal and greatest there ever was. not to mention he's one hot man. I think it just makes you an adoring fan. but if you made a living out of following him around and doing this everyday, then i'd be a little concerned with it lol...
just so other future commenters will know, the early comments are from friends who just bustin my chops. they're not hatas.
I have to stop blogging immediately because nothing I write will ever elicit as amazing a response as this:
"Timmy T will always hold a piece of my heart! His music reached me on nights I felt very alone!"
I tip my hat to you, Ed. Consider me retired.
Dude that was a totally awesome story.I've ran into Timmy T several times here in fresno and he's cool as hell.I actually had his CD in my truck and asked if he'd sign it for me, he went one step further and gave me an autographed pic for me and my girlfriend who was with me too..You go do your thing Ed!..KUDOS!!!
Open Comment to Timmy T:
Fine 80's singer sir, if you would permit me, I would like to repost a related post about this... post, and the subsequent comment store by your alleged ex-girlfriend.
Do I have your permission sir?
ur are a bunch of asses when it comes to Timmy T only the haters Timmy is my family and it is his girlfriend he is with she is very pretty and he loves her very much ur just a bunch of haters he is a good guy dont hate the player hate the game
I llove you Timmy all the family does ur a wonderful person and a great singer we are proud of you
there are no haters here. a few people saying that no one really cares about timmy t does not equate with hate.
Timmy T is the all time best. We all should be thankful that he didn't forget about Fresno and seems down to earth. Most people in his shoes would have forgot about Fresno after becoming so famous, but he didn't. Timmy T lives forever.
Thats right, I went to the fresno Show at Woodward Park this weekend and got to meet Timmy T, he was very down to earth and I had a great time at the show.Thank you for not forgetting where you came from Timmy
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