Friday, April 03, 2009

old school lunch

so, i was thinking about hitting up one of the many new restaurants downtown, but in the interest of the bank account, i decided to make something at home for lunch. the other day, while grocery shopping, i saw a bit of a throwback item and decided that i would pick up some to have at lunch occasionally. i'm eating lunch like a little kid in the cafeteria:

that's right, fish sticks. properly eaten with ketchup. yum. these particular sticks are made by van de kamps, who have a really nice website. seriously, check out their website. the sticks themselves are alright, with maybe a little too much breading and not quite enough fish, but still decent.

fortunately, the box of 44 sticks was like $3, so i pretty much had lunch for about $1 today. and, i've got another meal or two out of the box.


hmac said...

Dude, I loooooove fishsticks. I eat them with mayo and relish mixed together.

edluv said...

you know, i've never been a fan of relish, but i can't remember the last time i actually had it. maybe i'll have to revisit relish.

Lulu said...

Fish sticks are nasty. You should have had some tator tots with those bad boys though. Mmmm tator tots.

Anonymous said...

YUM! I just bought these at the store the other day for the same exact reason!!
But good old fashioned tarter sauce is the way to go!!, you must be hungry!

edluv said...

fish sticks are weird to me, at least in portion size. i can never quite guess how many i'm going to eat. that day was a few too many at 14. i think i could've just had 10 or maybe 8 and been good.