Tuesday, April 14, 2009

50,000th visitor

okay, so deciding who my 50,000th visitor wasn't as easy as i hoped. #50,000 was from germany looking for pulp fiction images. the one before that was from some strange military isp. the one after was from italy and hit my adidas vespa post. #49,998 was in china. so, the big winner of my little prize (yoshi now gift certificate) is...#49,997!

and, i'm pretty sure that the winner is...eli reyes. why do i think that? well, i talked to him last night, he said he was trying to win, the hit came pretty late in the evening, and the out-click was a picture i took of him from saturday night's fay wrays show.

if i'm wrong, let me know, but as it stands, i'm declaring eli reyes my official 50,000th visitor.


brodiemash said...


Congrats to the winner, dough. No bitterness.....none at all.

Anonymous said...

Awesome!!! eli should win :) He's a great guy! Yay!!!!

Adam said...

Look at you, catching up to me. Don't blow it this time.

blake said...

wait, so just cuz I was over in Germany while using the internet disqualifies me?

edluv said...

if that really was you in germany, i'll totally declare you the winner.