Sunday, September 21, 2008

ashley swearengin, fresno mayoral candidate

UPDATE! UPDATE: so, it turns out that i spelled the candidate's name wrong in an earlier post, and so if you spell it wrong like that i'll be the #3 hit. her name is now fixed on this blog. and, if you google her name properly, you come up with her site first. which makes the rest of this post irrelevant.

does ashley swearengin, candidate for fresno's mayor have a website? if so, you won't find it by googling her name. what you will find first is a post on fresno famous. the number 3 result, my blog. that's pretty sad when you're candidate for mayor of a city of a half million or so people and people find my blog when they're looking for your website.

btw, her website is to finally find it, i had to search "ashley swearingen (yes, spelled wrong) for mayor fresno" and it didn't even take me to the front page of her site.

candidates, step your game up. it's a new world, and teh internets is going to play an ever increasing role in campaigns.

btw, if you search henry t. perea his campaign site is the first result.


Anonymous said...

Maybe if you spelled her name right you'd find it on google. Her website is the first that pops up...and the second is her bio on her website. S-w-e-a-r-e-n-g-i-n.

edluv said...

it's true. i was spelling it wrong. i saw a sign while driving and checked my site, and saw the error. thanks though.