Monday, August 11, 2008

moving on

we're a bit closer to being homeowners. we signed the majority of our papers today, and hopefully will have our keys by the end of the week. so, we're getting all other sort of stuff lined up.

-we went and bought a couch & chair. maybe monticore will post details on that.
-we ordered direct tv. i'm really excited about this. i had wanted to get it before we got cable, but our property company wouldn't allow us to install the dish on the building. as homeowners, we make the call. so, we're getting the super cool package that has way more channels, and will have the nfl sunday ticket. not only are we getting all this, but it's cheaper than what we're paying for cable.
-we've got most of our place in boxes. there is still more packing to do, but we've got a lot accomplished
-we're planning a yard sale for probably the 23rd of august. we'll be selling our two chair thingy's, our entertainment center (not the tv, just the wood dealy around it all), a bunch of easels, some clothes, and some other random stuff. oh yeah, and we'll be giving away our two old couches, that didn't sell @ the last yard sale

obviously, there is still more to do. i need to switch our power, phone, internet, etc to the new place. reserve the truck. oh yeah, and move.

if you're in fresno on saturday, and interested in lending a hand/strong legs & back, stop on by and help out.

if you're interested in our place, it's listed on they've actually got it listed @ the same price we're paying which surprised me. it's a great place and a nice price.


Scott and Malisa Johnson said...

You are selling your ikea entertainment system? So sad. I inherited that exact piece with Scott, except ours was lighter in color. It was a monstrosity, though Scott liked it.

edluv said...

yeah. we've actually offered it to adam. let all that old ikea stuff go to his place to die. but, it doesn't seem like he's going to take it. it's still in very good shape, but we just are trying to slim down things a bit, have a little cleaner look to it all.

i'm having to figure out what to do with a whole lot of crap of mine.

Unknown said...

Wish we could be there to help you move. Congratulations on buying a home. It's a great move right now.

Adam said...

You can count me in for the muscles (watching not using).

Monticore said...

I don't know I keep looking at that entertainment center and thinking that if we didn't have the middle part we could keep the sides as bookcases or storage.