Friday, July 27, 2007

blog birthday

two years ago, and 700 posts ago, i started this blog. i first signed up with blogger because justin, who apparently spends most of his time on blog hiatus, had his blog set up to only accept comments from people with an account. so, i signed up, and started all this. my first post:
"so, to post on my friend's blog, i had to become a member, which ment i got one. so, i used my presumptious title that i've been sitting on until i scratch out some cash for a real website. so, hopefully, this blog will chronicle the development and rants of me until i make so, yeah.

here are goals i'm establishing for myself on this blog:
1. post at least once a weak, but not multiple times a day.
2. show pics of my art, family, friends
3. complain about tv
4. interact with your comments
5. whatever else i want to do

in the words of the passe Kool Moe Dee,
How ya like me now?


i like that i misspelled meant. and presumptuous. and that i basically through that first goal out the window. but the ball keeps rolling. i keep posting.


Lulu said...

Aww happy birthday blog. Looks like it is time for the terrible two's!

Adam said...

Glad to have you around.

m.wise said...

how about if you "threw" that first goal out the window...mister 'noticing what you misspelled before' guy

Lulu said...

Good catch Mike. Take that Poker!

timidvenus said...

well, if were getting technical i think it should be "terrible twos", but im not one for much punctuation.

edluv said...

damn it. how could i point out my own errors and then make one? sheesh