Thursday, February 15, 2007

death for swindlers!

uhhh, i'm not a fan of the death penalty, so i generally think that any time it is being exercised that it's wrong.

i came across this story on the bbc and thought, holy cow. death penalty for running a scam. c r a z y.

and then i saw this story about youtube & mexican drug cartels. even crazier.

and a link for annthrope


Adam said...

Does YouTube have a decency policy? I was thinking about our movie ratings conversation from Wednesday and was wondering if violent videos get a free pass but sexual videos get cut.

edluv said...

they do have some user policies. and, you can get flagged as indecent, but i think then people just have to acknowledge that they may be watching something that might be offensive.
as for these videos, they are trying to take them down as soon as they find them, but, they still are out there.

auritus said...

Cool link Ed, how did you find that post?

Because rabies is (obviously) an issue with sanguivorous bat my boss has actually had a chance to go down to S. America and visit with some researcher there and go mist netting for bats.