Thursday, June 21, 2007

aw, shucks

What's My Blog Rated? From Mingle2 - Online Dating

Mingle2 - Online Dating

apparently, i don't swear that much here, if at all. and, they only dinged me because i said crack.


Unknown said...

I was dinged for saying "crap" (1x).

I would have thought I had more vitriol in me than that. I'll get right on that PG-13.

The word verification is a palindrome!!!! kjyjk can you believe that!

Adam said...

I think it just reads what's on your front page because I got gun (3x) and death (1x) for a PG rating. I know I've said plenty of R-rated shit.

Lulu said...

I am dissapointed with my PG13 status. I mean I devoted a whole post to how I like the word fuck!

Anonymous said...

I agree with Adam regarding the algorithm that the rating website uses. I got an R rating for the use of words like death and dead, and yes, I did use the word "f*ck", but I was quoting someone. I think if the rating site was able to contextualize how I used certain words across the whole of my blog the rating would have been different. On the other hand, I kind of like being edgy. "I am an R!!!!"