Sunday, February 12, 2006

professions du jour

i was thinking today, i'm a good writer. not to toot my own horn, but i think i write fine papers. i usually can crank out a good one under pressure, synthesizing all the data, drawing out proper conclusions and such. unfortunately, for me to get this done, i usually need that pressure. so, i tend to gather my info, read my books, and then sit without actually writing the paper. i'll do just about anything instead of writing the paper. i watched a movie last friday, using some of the precious little time i've got allotted for writing. surprisingly, the movie actually gave me a line that i'll use in the paper. (now i've got to add another line to my bibliography) then, a few days before the due date, i lock myself on the couch and write my paper.

so, i have to have a 30 page paper to some peer readers on next sunday. guess what i'll finally get around to writing this week. that is, alongside everything else that is going on in my life. and my other class assignments. now, i'm not whining or asking for sympathy, just explaining myself.

the thing is, i really like to talk about these things. i get fired up talking about my paper, all the different information and such, the conclusions and implications. i feel alive doing these sort of things. but actually getting around to writing the paper? ah, there's the rub.

so, i've decided that i can't be a professional paper writer. if there is such a job.


Justin said...

I'm there with you, except that I still have the notion that I will be a professional paper. I've been stressing out lately because I haven't really started writing my thesis. In fact I haven't even finished the proposal. I need to get my ass in gear, but I feel too busy and the pressure isn't high enough yet.

I also had a blow to the gut the other day when a paper draft came back with a lot of criticism of my writing style. I just need to remember that drafts don't reflect the final style, they reflect the process, which for me is often jumbled and incoherant.

All that to say I know where you are coming from

Justin said...

I'm there with you, except that I still have the notion that I will be a professional paper. I've been stressing out lately because I haven't really started writing my thesis. In fact I haven't even finished the proposal. I need to get my ass in gear, but I feel too busy and the pressure isn't high enough yet.

I also had a blow to the gut the other day when a paper draft came back with a lot of criticism of my writing style. I just need to remember that drafts don't reflect the final style, they reflect the process, which for me is often jumbled and incoherant.

All that to say I know where you are coming from