so, i had a little time today and lunch and thought i'd see what my fridge had to offer to whip up. i saw eggs, i saw bacon, i saw bread. yep, that sounds good, and sounds like a bacon, egg & cheese sandwich would be in order.
i had seen people on several web cooking segments weaving bacon. i thought i'd give it a try. here's the bacon cut in half, and woven together in the pan:
i'm not sure why i felt i needed to, but here's a picture of bread with mayo & goulden's mustard:
i shouldn't have cut the bacon in half. it didn't stay woven together as it cooked. lesson learned, but here's the bacon after it cooked. it still tasted good.
here's an ugly egg picture. i drained all the bacon grease, turned off the pan, let it sit for a sec and then let the residual heat cook the egg on it's own. i actually find that it makes for a nice, not overcooked egg. but, i should have let the pan cool a little more today.
bacon stacked up neatly on the bread
sliced cheese on bacon, egg on top of that
side shot of the finished product. quite tasty.
and now, i will go coach track, get a minimal work out and stand in a warm sun to burn off those calories consumed.